Return Details Help

Tax Year | Account Period End | Tax Type | Inclusion Type | Start Date | End Date | Return Forms | Status | Issued Date | Documents Attached

Returns with accounting periods ending 6 April 2007 or later (2007/08) can be selected for online submission. In addition any return submitted online can be selected in order to view the return details.

Tax Year

The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April following.

Account Period End

This is the accounting period end date falling within the tax year. If this date is incorrect or has changed please contact our General Enquiry section on 685400.

From the tax year 2007/08 onwards company tax return forms will no longer be issued on the 6 April and due for submission by the 6 October in the same year.

Under the new legislation a company has twelve months and one day from their accounting period end date to submit their return. It is important therefore to notify the division of any change to the accounting period end date as penalties will be issued where the return is not received within the allocated time. If the company's accounting period end date has changed during the year and the Division has not been notified, a late return penalty would still be charged if the revised submission date was exceeded.

Tax Type

CL1Class One National Insurance Contributions
CL4Class Four National Insurance Contributions
EICExempt Insurance Company
ESDEuropean Union Savings Directive
ICOInternational Company
ILCInternational Limited Liability Company
ILPInternational Limited Partnership
ITPIncome Tax Instalment Payments
LLCLimited Liability Company
LLPLimited Liability Partnership
MABManaged Bank
NRDNon Resident Company Duty
NRSNon Resident
NTANo Taxable Activity
SBCSub Contractor Deductions
TECTax Exempt Company

Inclusion Type

ESTEstate period after date of death of an individual
INDThis inclusion type is for a married couple who are independently assessed.
JNTThis inclusion type applies to years prior to 2006/07. It is the inclusion type for a wife that is jointly assessed with her husband.
JSLThis inclusion type applies to years from 2006/07. It is the inclusion type for a jointly assessed married couple.
LIQWhen a company is in liquidation.
SBMThis inclusion type is for a married couple in the year of marriage, separation or the death of their spouse.

Start Date

This is the start of the period covered by the return form.

End Date

This is the end of the period covered by the return form.

Return Forms

Company Return Forms

R1CResident company return
R71Non-resident company return
R141Company review questionnaire
TEC1An initial application for tax exempt status
TEC4A renewal application for tax exempt status
R5An initial application for international limited liability status
R6A renewal application for international limited liability status
R9A renewal application for international company status
R10Limited liability company review questionnaire
R17An initial application for international company status

Individual Return Forms

R1Individual return form
R1SSimplified individual return form
R70Non-resident individual return form

Other Return Forms

R1TTrust return form
R1PPartnership return form
R18An initial application for international limited partnership status
R15A renewal application for international limited partnership status
T37Employers return form
C37Sub-Contractors return form
N37Third Party Payer return form


OpenThe return requires completion
SubmittedThe return has been received by the Division
No Return RequiredThe Division has decided that a return is not required for this period e.g. a period of suspension. If the company's circumstances change part way through an accounting period this status can be removed and a return form issued.

Issued Date

This is the date the Income Tax Division issued the return form.

Documents Attached

This identifies where accounts have been submitted.


This allows the user to change the order in which the client's data is displayed, by clicking on the sort function under any of the above headings.