Overseas Bank/Building Society Interest

Joint accounts with your spouse | Joint accounts with others | Do I have to enter each account separately?

Joint accounts with your spouse

If you are making a joint return, you can declare the full amount of interest as one entry using "Joint with Spouse" from the "Name" drop down list. Alternatively, you can create separate entries by using the "Add New" button, one would be used to declare your portion of the interest and the other to declare that of your spouse.

Regardless of how you declare your interest, it is important that the full amount is included on the return.

If you are independently taxed and you hold an account jointly with your spouse, you must declare your share of the interest and it would be useful to include their name in the "Joint with" box.

Joint accounts with others

If you have a joint account with a person other than your spouse, you must declare your share of the interest and it would be helpful if you could include the name of the other account holder using the "Joint with" box.

Do I have to enter each account separately?

No. You may declare all of your interest as a single entry on the return. If you choose to do this, it would be helpful to include a schedule of your interest as an attachment. If you need to do this, please select "Attachments" from the Task List.

If you choose to enter your accounts separately, you may find it helpful to include the account number and sort code as this information will display to you next year as a prompt. This can be particularly helpful if you have several similar accounts and can help to prevent you from forgetting one.

The choice you make about how much detail to provide us will not affect your assessment.