EC Sales List Help

To view the EC Sales List | EC Sales List | To complete your EC Sales List | To submit a nil EC Sales List | Country Code | Customer's VAT Registration Number | Total value of supplies | Indicator | Save, Edit and Delete functions | To submit the EC Sales List form | Partially completed EC Sales List

To view the EC Sales List

Select the required vat number to view your client EC Sales List details. The vat number is the hyperlink. You can sort your EC Sales client list by selecting the sort function at the top of the relevant column.

EC Sales List

Select the required period. The period is the hyperlink to the form. You can sort your EC Sales List by selecting the sort function at the top of the relevant column. The status of the EC Sales List will either be "ESL not yet due", "Available for Submission", "Overdue" or "Submitted". Depending on when the EC Sales List is generated, it may be slightly before or after the period covered by the EC Sales List. When you have submitted the EC Sales List the status of the form will change to “submitted”. When “submitted”, the date this action took place will be populated in the “Date Submitted” column. The “Submitted Lines” column will display the total number of lines which were completed on the form. The “Draft Lines” column displays the number of lines of the form which are still in “draft” status. “Draft” status means the data has not been submitted to Customs and Excise.

There may at times be invalid data lines entered by Customs and Excise. If this is the case, then the status will revert from "Submitted" to one of the other status types mentioned above, and will be available for edit, to make the correction and re-submit.

To complete your EC Sales List

The EC Sales List states the period which the form covers; including the date from and date to for both goods and services. For quarterly EC Sales Lists, the dates for both goods and services will cover the whole of the quarter period.

For type monthly – compulsory EC Sales Lists, the goods dates will always cover the month of the period. However, the services date will be the same as the goods dates for the first two months, (i.e. cover the actual month) but the third month (which is the quarter end monthly period), the services date will be from the start of the first month to the end of the third month (i.e. 01/01/2010 to 31/03/2010 for period 2010/01) Therefore you are only required to include the services on the EC Sales List which cover the month at the quarter end. For this type, there is no requirement to include services on the EC Sales List until the third month (being the month which falls at the quarter end).

For type monthly – trader preference EC Sales List, the goods and services dates will always cover the month of the period.

The due date to submit the EC Sales List is 21 days after the period end date.

Isle of Man registered traders should contact 01624 648135 for more information.

To submit a nil EC Sales List

Select the submit nil ECSL button. Do not enter any data in the data lines.

Country Code

Select a customer’s country code from the drop down list.

AT = Austria, BE = Belgium, HR = Croatia, CY = Cyprus, CZ = Czech Republic, DK = Denmark, EE = Estonia, FI = Finland, FR = France, DE = Germany, EL = Greece, HU = Hungary, IE = Ireland, IT = Italy, LV = Latvia, LT = Lithuania, LU = Luxembourg, MT = Malta, NL = Netherlands, PL = Poland, PT = Portugal, SI = Slovenia, SK = Slovak Republic, ES = Spain, SE = Sweden, BG = Bulgaria, RO = Romania.

Codes GR = Greece (applies to Intrastat forms only) and IM = Isle of Man, should not be used as an EC customer’s country code.

Customer's VAT Registration Number

Write your customer’s VAT registration number in the spaces provided, starting from the extreme left hand side. Do not include any spaces, dashes or commas. Do not repeat your customer’s country code unless you are supplying a different type of supply.

Total value of supplies

Only include the value of goods and related services supplied to the customers who are registered for VAT purposes in EC countries other than the U.K.and I.O.M. If any of your customers are not registered for VAT or have not given you their VAT number, do not include any supplies you have made to them on this form. Add up the total value of goods and related services, triangular trade and services for each EC customer and write the total rounded to the nearest pound, in pounds sterling in the space provided. If you need to show a negative figure, for example due to credit notes, enclose the figure in brackets.

The system will calculate the total value of goods and related services, triangular trade supplies and services supplied to your EC customers and provide a grand total on screen.


Indicator types relate to the type of supply you have made.

0 = Goods, (the value of goods includes related services)

2 = Triangular Trade, (if you have made supplies as an intermediary in a triangular trade transaction)

3 = Services.

Save, Edit and Delete functions

The “save”, “edit” and “delete” functions are only available to data which has not been submitted.

The “save” function will save the corresponding line of entered data. If there are any errors contained within the data line, the data will not be saved. The online system only accepts valid data. You must "save" each data line after entered.

The “edit” function will allow you to amend the corresponding line of data.

The “delete” function will allow you to delete the corresponding line of data.

There may at times be invalid data lines entered by Cutoms and Excise. for these, the "edit" button will be activated so the data can be corrected and re-sumbmitted.

To submit the EC Sales List form

When all the data lines have been completed and "saved", select the “submit” button. Only when the submit action is complete, has the EC Sales List been submitted to Customs and Excise.

Partially completed EC Sales List

Once you have partially completed your EC Sales List details, it is possible to save this data and to return to this screen to complete and submit it at a later date. The tick box indicator in the partially completed ECSL column indicates that data has been saved on the EC Sales List prior to its submission. If there is no tick present, there is no part completed data saved.