Application for a vehicle test

Log in to Online Services prior to filling out this form if you wish to have a receipt of this payment held against your account. This will also allow us to pre-fill some of your Applicant Details.

Please complete the form below, you'll then be asked to pay the relevant fee (Fees for Vehicle Tests). You will be contacted within 5 to 10 working days to arrange an appointment date and time.

Required fields are marked with *.

Applicant Details



Please enter your first and middle names here

Day time phone number

Please provide a contact phone number where you can be reached between 9am and 5pm

Vehicle Details


Year of Manufacture

Please enter the vehicle's year of manufacture (yyyy)

Type of Inspection


Vehicle Type

For Trikes, Quads and Motorcycles with sidecar, contact the Vehicle Test centre (+44 1624 627431)

Include Voluntary Brake Test (Goods vehicles only)

If you wish this to be done as soon as possible it is advised that you apply at the Vehicle Test Centre counter.

Country of Export

Only required if Personally imported



Terms and Conditions